"A quick prayer: Oh lord, give me health and strength. We’ll steal the rest."
– Fishhooks McCarthy (supposedly)
Maxwell & Sci-Fi & Stuff
WAIT – this is RESISTANCE! Ack! I better blog about it.
The lack of hope makes me moody.
I'm gonna talk about grit today. And boredom. And moodiness.
Laundry at 9am on a Sunday
What do you really hate doing, but what would make it totally worth it?
Trying to finish a new website...
"Smart small" is magic. I swear it.
Seth: You Will Disappoint Someone
That’s part of the deal of being in the world.
This Is My Chair
This Writer’s Creed This is my chair. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My chair is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My chair, without me, is useless. Without my chair, I am useless.

"It’s okay to be afraid. You will be afraid. The trick is agreeing/learning to dance with your fear."
– Seth Godin
I've Got to Get Out of Bed
If your work is important, you don’t have the luxury of waiting for a good mood. Eff that. It’s time to get out of bed.
Discrete Tasks Are the Secret
AKA How to Spend Two Days Writing One Email