Two Quick Questions for Exploring Your Mindset
Here's something for you if you want to make a change and you're not sure how to start.
T.S. Eliot on Resistance
"... each venture / Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate ..."
"Paul Valéry said: the opening line of a poem is like finding a fruit in the ground, a piece of fallen fruit you have never seen before, and the poet’s task is to create the tree from which such a fruit would fall."
– from Mary Ruefle’s Madness, Rack, and Honey
How to Make Art
Start small. Reach. Experiment. Repeat.
I Can't Write
I can’t write, this room is a mess.
Thanks for your feedback (Brené Brown)
Only true friends make the list.
What are Achievement Skills?
If you want to lift heavy weights, write poetry, run marathons, etc., you can apply these procedures.
It’s certainly not that I have nothing to do, though I’ll use that excuse. Rather, it’s some sort of boredom mixed with a lack of urgency and some nasty impatience mixed in.
Forgive easily.
When the work falls through.
Break shit or go home
Cause if you don’t wake up every morning thinking “How am I going to break shit today?” Then I don’t want your advice. If you don’t walk this earth hell-bent on leaving a mark. Then I don’t need your expertise. If you aren’t scraping at