Coach Matt's Blog
"Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer."
– Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace
Change starts when you make time for change
Whatever you want your practice to be, the most basic fact about it is that it doesn’t exist if you’re not making time for it.
"If you work hard and creatively, you can have just about anything you want, but not everything you want. Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones."
– Ray Dahlio
"If your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete."
– Jack Kornfield
How to Succeed (thx, Seth)
This is a bunch of ways to succeed (or not, depending on your situation.) Here are some of my favorites…
"Let death be what takes us, not a lack of imagination."
– BJ Miller
Please don't let step three interfere with step one.
Often, we measure the success of a creative project by the size of the audience, or the kind of feedback we get, or the money we make from it. But there's so much more at stake.
It's About Mountain Climbing
Without further preamble, here, in these following paragraphs, is the answer to "What's it about, anyway?"

"Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, because what the world needs is more people who have come alive."
– Howard Thurman (1899-1981)
Cooking on the Plateau
If you’ve worked at an incredibly busy restaurant, you may have experienced a version of this plateau.