Coach Matt's Blog
What if you believed?
What if I could guarantee you that the 150th thing you made would be both brilliant and wildly successful? It's like a fantasy story, right? A magical fairy appears before you and announces you that you can have your wish – “Make me a genius creator!” – but there'

When More Was Definitely Not Better
I remember when the editing got really hard.I burned out fast. I had to re-design my practice for this new kind of work.

Getting to the heart of it.
If you can go go above and beyond the intellectual and get your gut and your brain working in tandem, my goodness!

You have to be a pud before you can be a stud.
You don’t get be good at something without going through the discomfort of being bad at it.

Resistance, part two.
If you want to see physical evidence of the overwhelming scale of Resistance’s power in the human world, just go to a book store.

What is Resistance?
Resistance is coming for you. Every. Single. day.

The Right Tool for the Job
Many of us only know one way to get moving and it’s the one that says “f__k your feelings.”

Get famous...?
Derek Sivers says “Get Famous.” It’s a directive. It seems kind of stupid until he elaborates.

"There’s no such thing as creative and not-creative beings. We are all creative. And the worst part is, unused creativity – creativity that’s been disowned – is not benign. It’s painful. It metastasizes and turns into dangerous things."
– Brené Brown
Getting to the next phase
This is what's happening now. This is very real. This is non-abstract and non-metaphorical. It's difficult and it's happening to me. The audiobook/bookcast/course thing – Ready for the Quest – is done. (Well, "content complete." There's still mixing and mastering.